18 June 2009

Chasing the Rarities

After hearing about so many interesting birds at Three Forks, I gave up sleeping in to venture afield with Marc Hoffman to search of a few.

We dipped on the Gray Catbird and Least Flycatcher, but found several Lazuli Buntings. As for the Indigo, we believe we heard it several times, but it always seemed about 50 feet further hidden in the bramble junque. A birder with a group from Seattle/Bellingham said she might have seen it, but upon further reflection began to doubt the sighting...

Lots of Common Yellowthroats and Willow Flycatchers around, and at least one Savannah Sparrow popped up. One Bald Eagle juvenile soared above the car park for a few minutes, and a Turkey Vulture was also seen flying northeast along a hilly ridge.

Even early in the morning, it's a good idea to bathe in toxic chemicals to ward off the black flies and mosquitoes. It was quite surprising how few swallows were flying early, but they were in force by the time we started to leave.

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