09 December 2009

Evening Grosbeaks

Just before leaving for the gym this morning, a small flock of Evening Grosbeaks (joined by the neighbourhood regulars) dropped in for a bite at my local seed feeder.  For a second, I wasn't sure they were really there...

I managed to get a couple of half-decent shots through the window (it was still -7C out there) before I tried to go outside and get something better.  Unfortunately, once outside, not a one wanted to come closer than the birch about 30 metres away...

Here are a few shots from those five mostly-freezing minutes:  a male Evening Grosbeak adjusting his too-large body to the feeder, and one of the dozens of Dark-eyed Juncos fluffed up against the cold...

Also had an Anna's Hummer flit in and around the crowd for about 30 seconds before buzzing away at speed...

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