26 July 2009

2006: Madame Simone and St John's Finger

26 July

I just found out my southern neighbour, Madame Simone Le-Goff has turned 80 years old today. There must be something in the water around here; she looks like a young 60, runs around as if she were 25, and says she feels like a young girl. She is a retired teacher of young children in the local schools. I hope to be as physically- and mentally-active when I'm her age...

OK, let's be honest. I'd be happy to REACH 80... (grin)


[ 2009: Simone's husband was in the diplomatic corps during the Algerian war.]

There is a town in the county of Finistère, named St Jean du Doigt, which I believe translates as "St John's Finger". The history behind the name is something I will have to investigate when I return...

[ 2009: The not-so-young town dates mostly to the mid 1500s, and bits back to at least 1380. For what it's worth, even three years later there is barely information about this place, and the only bit I can read on the name has to do with someone naming a song after the town. Hey, it's a great name.]

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